Sunday, October 31, 2010

Vocab MP2

Graphical user interface: an interface between a user and a computer system that involves the use of a mouse-controlled screen cursor to select options from menus, make choices with buttons, start programs by clicking icons,

Grayscale: a grayscale or greyscale digital image is an image in which the value of each pixel is a single sample, that is, it carries only intensity.

Gridlines: the faint lines that appear around cells in Excel 2007. They are used to distinguish cells on the worksheet.

Group: a number of people or things considered together or regarded as belonging together

Handouts: a document that is distributed to a group

Hanging indent: a paragraph that has all lines but the first indented.

Header: refers to supplemental data placed at the beginning of a block of data being stored or transmitted.

Heading: something forming or used to form the head, top, edge, or front

Horizontal axis: The lines are commonly referred to as the x and y-axes where the x-axis is taken to be horizontal

HTML format:
Web page coded in HTML that can be displayed in a Web browser; formats text, tables, images, and other content that is displayed on the page; most pages within static websites have an ".html"

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